A review by cheraquili
The Hating Game by Sally Thorne


“Danny Fletcher has a clichéd evening in store for you. Italian restaurant, checkered tablecloth. Probably a candle. He’ll push the last meatball to you with his nose. Second date, right?”

2/5 stars

This book is immensely overrated in my opinion. I thought it was very boring, cliched and nowhere as near as being an enemies-to-lovers romance. Since I had very high expectations, which, unfortunately, ended up in disappointment, my review is going to be a complete rant.

I’ve never seen anyone so desperate to be invited inside. His head pokes in farther. His hands are hanging on to the doorframe like he’s about to fall in.

Firstly, if I remember correctly, the female protagonist's password was something like "I hate Joshua Templeman", which in my opinion, is incredibly stupid and childish. 🤦🏻‍♀️ As I already mentioned previously, I do not understand how some people actually consider this to be an enemies-to-lover romance; both protagonists CLEARLY liked each other from the very beginning. In fact, it seems that they wanted solely to be petty since they were constantly flirting with each other. I also detested the paintball scene, which is disappointing, since so many other people enjoyed it. Moreover, I really disliked the audiobook, mainly due to the narrator's mouth-spitting noises. Having said that, mid-way through the book I started enjoying it way more, but around 65%, I began finding it boring again.

“You’re welcome,” he tells me and angles me higher. I have no idea how he’s not tired. I will write a thank-you card to his personal trainer. If my hand can ever grip a pen again. I bite my lip. I can’t let this end. I tell him so.

On a more positive note, I have to say that The Hating Game had some cute and laughable moments. There was also a lot of sexual tension between the protagonists, which I really enjoyed; one of my favourite scenes was when Joshua was taking care of Lucy! 💖 Apart from that, I must say that I am extremely excited about the upcoming movie since I ADORE Lucy Hale.

Thus, although this was not one of my favourite romances I have ever read, I would still recommend it since so many others have enjoyed it.