A review by becks_books
Our Cats Are More Famous Than Us: A Johnny Wander Collection by Ananth Hirsh


I only finished this because I paid for it and I'm cheap so I didn't want to feel like I wasted my money. Turns out now I've still wasted my money but I've also wasted my time so that worked out well for me.

This wasn't awful or anything. I just don't understand the point of it. Usually comics like this are funny and I think it was trying to be funny but I had a teensy chuckle ONCE in this whole book and it's over 400 pages long so obviously I didn't think it was very funny.

It did get a bit better towards the end but here are my main issues:

There was barely any introduction to the characters. I say characters but it's autobiographical so the main 2 characters are the authors and the other characters are their friends and cats. The 2 authors of the comic are given very brief introductions and it's hugely unclear what their relationship is, the whole way through I was trying to work out if they were roommates or a couple, I won't reveal the answer because it's a fun mystery and I wouldn't want to ruin the surprise! Their friends who appear sporadically in the comics are also given super brief introductions and they all look the same so I instantly forgot who was who and what they were like so there was a lot of "John did this thing! Typical John!" and I was just trying to remember which white male friend John was. It would probably be funny if I KNEW John but I don't so it isn't.

The whole book is based on a webcomic and I'm guessing most of it or all of it is directly taken from there so maybe if I read the webcomic and then this I would get it, but I'm paying to read a standalone comic/graphic novel so I don't expect to have to spend hours reading a webcomic to understand it. Also, if the quality of this book is indicitive of the quality of the webcomic I'm not interested anyway.

This critisism could stand for almost any book but I need more cats please. They don't even have cats at the beginning of the story. I need a cat on each page at least. I was promised more cats than this.

I do have positive things to say too, I liked the art style and I guess at least there were some cats so I can't be too mad. Some people would probably really enjoy this and it seems to be well liked so if you're interested in this, maybe check out the webcomic first instead of buying it without knowing anything about it just because it's bright and cute and has cats on the cover like some dumb idiot.