A review by justabookholic
I Wore My Blackest Hair by Carlina Duan


4.5 stars
Overall, I enjoyed it very much. It was an impulse read where I saw the cover though it was pretty and picked it up knowing absolutely nothing about the book or author than it was a book of. poems. Lo and behold it turned out to be just what I wanted to read; an own voices book on a Chinese American's experience being both a part of both cultures and separate from them at the same time. I related to a great deal to the topics within the poems and thought overall it was a good collection. I did have some issues with certain aspects I personally thought that the use of racial slurs was a bit receptive at times. I did get some flashbacks of similar experiences of racism growing up; which goes to show racists are rarely creative with their slurs. It was a quick read; 20 minutes and I would highly recommend it.