A review by pattydsf
Help, Thanks, Wow: The Three Essential Prayers by Anne Lamott


Anne Lamott has always spoken to me whether through her books or the times I have heard her actually speak. Her belief system seems close to mine and I am always anxious to read what she has to say about her faith. My only disappointment with this book (and why I gave it four stars) is that this book is way too short.

Over the last few years I have been reading more about prayer and actually trying to apply it to my own prayer life. I think Lamott has captured the essential prayers with these essays. I will be revisiting this book often. Although this is short there is a lot to contemplate. I only regret the length because it is always too long between Lamott's books about faith and life.

I recommend this as a good introduction to Lamott's writing. Also if you finding yourself in any of these categories, pick this book up: you have a prayer life, you don't have a prayer life, but want one, you are a woman in middle age and you want to hear from someone whose life might resemble yours, you are part of the Christianity that the media ignores, or you just like reading well written books.