A review by papalbina
I Want It That Way by Ann Aguirre


there is a reason why i gave four stars to this book despite the fact that it was kind of boring at times. that reason is that this is supposed to be "new adult" and beside the steamy content there is REAL new adult stuff.

nadia, the main character is struggling to get through college with a part-time job and money shortage which is REAL LIFE and i appreciate sssoooo much that these aspects are dealt with in this book... it's the first one in this so-called genre "new adult" that i read that really feels like it is for readers in that age range (beginning of the twenties).

beside that i have to say that the book was a bit too boring. nadia spent too much time longing for ty and ty spent too much time making a big deal of him having a kid... in the end, their story... well, it was fun to read although not as "wild" as i was expecting given nadia's thoughts or ty's comments.

nonetheless, i did like the characters, the plot and the writing and i surely will continue reading the series :3

thank you to netgalley and harlequin for providing me with a copy of this book.