A review by theforeverbookworm
A Mysterious Affair of Style by Gilbert Adair


I previously read The Act of Roger Murgatroyd by Gilbert Adair, which was passed onto me, being the huge fan of Agatha Christie that I am. The title was clearly a play on that of Christie's The Murder of Roger Ackroyd, and I was keen to read this parody and see what the story entailed. I didn't find it a spectacular novel, and I was really quite put off reading this next instalment.

Over a year and a half later, I finally picked up the second such book, A Mysterious Affair of Style, to read. Sadly, I didn't find this book any better than the first one, and I actually found it arguably worse. If not for being a fan of Christie, I can't imagine I would ever have picked this book up, and this second novel even lacked the humorous nods to Christie's work that had made the first bearable.

It was a real struggle to get through, and I had to wade through it for the most part. However, I really did like the idea for this story much more than the last, which did help me to keep my perseverance up a little.

You can read my full review here: https://theforeverbookworm.blogspot.com/2019/10/a-mysterious-affair-of-style-gilbert.html