A review by alyciajade93
They Don't Come Home Anymore by T.E. Grau


I had to leave this for a couple of hours once I'd read it because I just could not wrap my head around how brilliant the ending was.

This has been on my to read list for quite some time and I wasn't really expecting it to be as good as it was.

I was intrigued by the blurb but I was pretty much hooked from the first page which is a rarity for me as it usual takes me at least a couple of chapters.

The horror builds in a really subtle way to the point where you're always wondering what you're actually scared about. There's always a new angle and what you think the danger is always seems to pale in comparison to the next situation you come across.

I found myself relating quite a lot to Hettie but at the same time I was increasingly worried for her as her obsession spiralled out of control. It was done really well though and as much as I sort of wanted to scream at her to stop and actually think about what she was doing, I understood her focus because when her background and family life is slowly revealed you kind of understand how she latches on to Avery as her only (in her view) link to the world simply because Avery saw her.

I loved the twist with what exactly Hettie was hunting for and the reveal story for how it became what it was. It was dark and gritty and excellently written.

I also liked how what you thought the story was at the beginning completely transformed by the end. It was a genuinely tense and captivating journey and I really felt for both Hettie and Avery.

The ending though is where I really got excited because the reveal was so good and I didn't see it coming and Hettie's reaction to it just made it all the more amazing because she's truly a twisted character and I love characters who own their darkness.

I was just seriously impressed with the whole book and will definitely be on the lookout for more by this author.

(I gave it another star upon reflection because I'm still quite giddy about this book hours later.)