A review by tien
Ring of Bright Water by Gavin Maxwell


Honestly had no idea what I got myself into but it was an accessible audiobook and that otter just looks too cute! The book description was succinct but accurate. At the beginning, the author was looking for a remote location for a cottage and as he moved in to this particular place, it sounds like a great spot to be. Although pragmatic me had to chime in and say that I won't survive for long there!

2/3 of the book, however, was dedicated to his beloved pet otters. I... didn't know you could have otters as pets?! He met his first otter, Mijbil, in the Tigris and bringing him home to Scotland was a very traumatic experience (even for me, the listener!). The author did not have to transport his second otter as it was done by someone else yet it was told to the author and it was included in the book... it was just as traumatic! If you're very sensitive about animal getting hurt, I'd skip this one.

On the other hand, the author's love for nature & especially wildlife was very evident. I think anyone who ever has a pet can relate to a lot of his experiences.