A review by heyfirefly
Goldfish by Nat Luurtsema


I absolutely love this book.

Things I thought while reading this book:

1. "wow people suck"
2. "oh man i remember high school"
3. *laughter*

Top three reactions:



Like the book jacket but BETTER.

The Characters:

I love them all. I love how everyone except Cammie is multi dimensional and not how they first appear. I'll forgive her for Cammie. Mean girls do exist and sometimes they just stay mean.

But I love Lou. Oh so much. I didn't find her whiny at all, especially given she had to give up her big dream, the thing she's been training for basically her entire life. She's got the right to be upset imo.

And the boys are not what you think at first. I want to hug all of them. Lav, too, is not who she first seems.

I could continue to gush but I think you get the point.

The Writing:

HILARIOUS. I laughed out loud multiple times. Which probably made my parents wonder, but whev. Also, A+ to the author for making teenagers sound like teenagers. I was a teenager until a few months ago, and it's so obvious when an author doesn't spend time around teenagers. I'm not sure how old this author is but she nailed the teenager voice. I'm so glad.

The slang is a fun mix of English and American which is a little weird. That's due to editing, I'm sure. Why do they think we Americans won't understand pants vs pants in context??

Wait. Did they mean chips:

or chips:


The Plot:

^ my reaction to a chronically ill secondary character.

With a realistically portrayed chronic illness.

I don't have ME (chronic fatigue) but I have secondary fatigue to another chronic illness. So I can't speak to exactly how accurate it is. But I love positive representation!!!

There are a few mildly unbelievable sequences. And Lou has the best parents. I don't know if I believe in parents that amazing. but that's probably just me.

The romance. So!! Cute!!!


(^ amazing gif)

Mostly fluff. Serious issues aren't dealt with with as much severity as they probably should be. But I went in looking for fluff (for the last few books I've read, check my read 2017 shelf. I tend to read some really dark stuff) and I got AMAZING fluff.

I just really liked this book. It's cute and sweet and funny. Totally a great choice.

5 out of 5 stars.