A review by secret_librarian
Teach Me to Sin by Riley Nash


Rating: 5
Steam: 4
PoV: multiple, 1st person
MMM | age gap | opposites attract | forced proximity

Teach Me To Sin was an emotional read that brought me some more broken men to love and treasure!

I have to admit that I was initially hesitant about how things would come together for Alek, Benji and Colson, as they seemed like an unlikely trio… but damn, the attraction and chemistry between them was really something else. Their story was mesmerising and emotional - a journey full of obstacles and twists, and at times it felt like they had all odds against them.

It was a story that had me captured right from the start, and I was so intrigued by the characters and their dynamic. Riley Nash truly excels at writing complex characters with traumatic pasts, and both Alek and Benji pulled hard on my heart strings with their backgrounds and secrets. Colson surprised me, I wasn’t a big fan of him from the earlier books but he really grew on me. He seemed so hardened and cold at the beginning, but I loved how soft and sweet he was with his boys.

Teach Me To Sin was a strong ending to the Water, Air, Earth, Fire series - I completely adored these flawed men and their story, and there was just so much to love in this book. The whole series has been absolutely amazing, and I can’t recommend it enough!