A review by nikkisbooknook
Smoke and Mirrors by Julie Rowe


Kini is having a hard time. She only wants to take blood samples to help develop a theory for the CDC vaccine. But the locals are against her from the start, she has been associated with a number of deaths that occurred after she arrived. Her car has been vandalised and she has had some other "bad luck". So the CDC send out Smoke to protect her.

It should be an easy job. Smoke is returning to his ancestral lands, he knows the people and is a grade A bada$$! But Smoke hasn't been home since his son passed away and he has guilt weighing him down. But Kini, well she is enough to make any man wish for a HEA!

Intense, fast paced, chock full of action and suspense...oh and a bit of sexy time thrown in! Kini can read Smoke like a book, which is handy cos he's not the most communicative of fellas! What Smoke lacks in verbals he makes up for in smarts and skills. The banter was off the charts. You can't help falling for a guy who says he fell in love with someone 30secs after meeting her!