A review by kay1eigh
Cast in Firelight by Dana Swift


Kay I ended up enjoying this book more than I expected! It wasn't perfect but it was enjoyabl.e. The plot kept moving forward and the main characters are pretty likeable. The issues I had were with the writing for the most part. Some of the dialogue felt like a way for the author to insert things in the story that she didn't want to explain in other ways. Like it felt very tell instead of show in some ways. Also, I feel like she introduced minor characters that were super interesting but then they fell away for the majority of the story, only coming in at the end when it was convenient. I feel like having more supporting characters that were actually present would have been better. Also, I feel like some things were so obvious and the characters were so oblivious (I can't say much without spoiling). I think the world building could use some more fleshing out. It was vague and losse and again felt like the author just pulled some things in at the end because it was convenient but there wasn't enough set up throughout the story for it to seem natural. Overall though, it was an enjoyable book. 3.5 stars