A review by brenaew
Play Dirty by Lorie O'Clare


This is the first time I've read Lorie O'Clare and though I wasn't super thrilled with the book I will give her another chance. I've heard great things about her other stories, The Leopard and Lunewulf series.

As for PLAY DIRTY, while I was intrigued by the concept and was excited to read about bounty hunters, I was left feeling confused and at some times bored with what was going on. I had a hard time with the emotional connection or better yet the lack of, between Haley and her me. There were times when it felt like I was missing something as the story jumped to another scene. And I can't believe they didn't investigate Samantha Wilson. They didn't remember her from high school but took her at her word on who she was. The guys had access to all sorts of resources, check the bimbo out. The suspense didn't carry through for me either. I wasn't propelled to keep reading until I found out what was going on. There was no edge of the seat, need to find out immediately feeling.

I also had to keep reminding myself that Haley and Greg were older than they came off as. The next two books, I believe, will be about the sons who are 23 and 25. Their parents acted like they were the same age.