A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
Stepsister by Jennifer Donnelly


Wow. I'm a crying mess. I am a happy girl. I'm a proud woman. And I'm most of all very very impressed by this female empowering masterpiece. I had never read anything by Jennifer Donnelly before, but this book was in my opinion pure perfection! I can totally imagine it's not everyone's taste, but to me it was everything I want a fairytale retelling to be and then so so much more.

What this book does, which is very unique, is making room for all different kinds of females and empower them. The princess, the scientist, the warrior. Not once is one knocked down to empower the other. They support each other, assist each other, complete each other and help each other. And they most of all need each other. And they have a few very nice men, who need some time getting used to girls being who they long to be instead of just what society wants them to be, who are also standing by their sides without losing their own worth.

Combine this with a wonderfully crafted world, a gripping story that follows right after Ella's supposed happily ever after and an enchanting and very emotional writing style and you just get perfection.

Isabelle, the protagonist of this story, needs time to grow and learn, but I found it wonderful to watch her become the person she has always been already. Especially because her growth was written down in such a way that it was relatable, human and something every girl, world wide, can do.

And then, last but not least, I loved the personification of Fate and Chance and the constant battle between the two of them.

I totally want and need more books like this!