A review by booklife4life
The Big Rewind by Libby Cudmore


Basic Info

Length/Page Count: 256pgs
Genre: Young Adult; Mystery
Reason for Reading: Cover.

At A Glance

Love Triangle/Insta Love/Obsession?: N/A
Cliff Hanger: no
Triggers: n/a
Rating: 3.5 stars

Score Sheet
All out of ten

Cover: 8
Plot: 7
Characters: 7
World Building: 5
Flow: 8
Series Congruity: n/a
Writing: 7
Ending: 4

Total: 6

In Dept

Best Part:
Park and Rec!
Worst Part: Songs from the 80's
Thoughts Had: I need music!


Continuing the Series:

Short Review: Well if you like old 80's and 90's songs, you'll like this book, i didn't know any of the songs they mentioned at all. The ending wasn't a surprise at all, in fact when Sid mention some girl earlier, i thought he was talking about her then so i kinda knew it. There was a Parks and Rec reference, made me giddy. I think the murdered was too fat fetched anyhow. Like why would she just randomly snap and kill her over that little bit? and then the PI guy was like yah we can totally set her up, no police involved at all. Not safe. Random booty call was not needed either. Just saying.


Book Boyfriend:
Best Friend Material: Jett.