A review by karentje
On the Same Page by Parker Williams, K.C. Wells


I loved this new addition to the Secrets family! It stands out a bit from the other books in the series, as it’s quite light as far as BDSM goes, but as for character development and storytelling it is completely up to par with the rest and just a really wonderful love story.

I’m always partial to books with MC’s that own a bookstore, because books… and Heath’s shop seems so inviting and amazing, I wish I could actually visit it and get him to recommend books to me. I loved all the casual mentions of books and authors in this story, some of which were new to me. Must remedy that situation asap!

I loved how Xavier and Heath got together and the way Xavier introduced Heath to the club and the naughty fun they can have while roleplaying. It’s quite a whirlwind romance, almost too good to be true. Everything all rainbows and (proverbial) sunshine until … something happens that might ruin everything for our beloved couple. I cringed inwardly when Xavier made a mess of things at a certain point, as he struggled with his priorities and the whole “honesty is the best policy” thing that tends to be crucial in a good relationship. Though in his defense, he was in between a rock and hard place, and anyway, what’s a romance without a little rough patch to overcome on the way to happily ever after?

As always in this series, as well as in the collars and cuffs series, the MC’s can count on their friends to help them out or lend a listening ear. I absolutely adored seeing Rob again, as well as the other characters from earlier books of course, but Rob is so special. I just love him to bits. He is such a mischievous, vibrant character and then he earned my undying devotion by pitching the idea to start a book club. Team Rob, people.