A review by rellebellereads
Legacy of Lies by Robert Bailey


Rating: 4.0
Edition: Kindle Read and Listen

I like Bocephus’ style. He’s a fighter, gentle giant, loyal, and smart. He is fighting to get his life back on track after a tragedy. A friend needs his help and he pulls himself together to do so. He may have been out of the game for awhile but he is a quick study.

I like the General’s style. She is a fighter, loyal, and smart. She almost breaks but leans on her friend Bocephus for strength and seems to come out stronger in the end.

An engaging, thought-provoking, and intricate story. This book starts the Bocephus journey, but there are others that come before that provide additional background on how the characters got to where they are now. This book can be read alone but I am really curious about the other books and think that I may go back and read those as well.

Happy Reading!