A review by canadianbookworm
A Room Swept White by Sophie Hannah


This is a novel with psychological twists and turns that will keep you glued to your chair. The focus is women who have been accused of murdering either their own children or children they have been minding. The main characters is Fliss Benson a television producer, a lower rung producer at her firm until something happens that causes her to be in charge of a documentary already partially done. At first she is reluctant to take on the job, feeling manipulated and wary of her own past, but soon finds that her zeal for truth and attention to detail make her the perfect person to take on the project.
The police are also on the case following the murder of a woman acquitted on retrial of her children's murders. There are divisions within the police ranks, some very interesting personalities both in the police and in the other characters, and stories with no easy answers.
Fliss develops from a mousy woman with no sense of her own worth into a confident woman driven by her zeal for truth. A great read.