A review by jacki_f
The Switch by Joseph Finder


Michael Tanner is a frequent business traveller for his coffee company. Whilst going through airport security, he accidentally picks up the wrong laptop. When he gets home he realises the error but (unlikely plot point #1) isn't too concerned about getting his own laptop back, because he only uses it when travelling and has nothing of importance on it.

Because the owner of the laptop in his possession has (unlikely plot point #2) left her password on her computer, Tanner is able to log into it. The laptop belongs to a US Senator who is in possession of highly confidential Government documents. At this stage Tanner (unlikely plot point #3) doesn't attempt to contact the Senator's office to return it to its rightful owner. Instead, as he gradually realises how desperate the Senator's staff are to retrieve the laptop, he begins to understand that even knowing about the existence of the files could put him into danger.

This is an okay thriller, but it's one that's built on too flimsy a base. Tanner's actions simply aren't credible. The plot has some topical points to make about privacy and about Russian interests in US security but they are bundled up in a plot that is simply too drawn out and implausible.

I received a copy for review from Net Galley.