A review by kystark1201
Little Ghosts by Gregg Dunnett


This book offered the plot exactly as the title indicated.
the story was straightforward and typical. I have seen/heard similar plot elsewhere, either in movies or books. the story turned out exactly what i thought i would be.
I had some expectation, like the boy wasnt really seeing ghost and he was just insane or something.
But it wasjust the ghost came back and told her little brother who killed her and no one believed him.
nothing new. this kind of story has been written and told many times.
the Parents characters were tpyical, boring and there wasnt depth. the emotions wasnt strong enough.
i do like the POV of the bad guy, simply because i havent read anything with bad guy's POV for a while.
He was a disturbing character, but there wasnt anything surprising. His plan of his crime was good tho.

overall, this is just a ok book.