A review by bookbriefs
Sigil in Shadow by Constance Roberts


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Sigil in Shadow by Constance Roberts is a historical mystery in a royal court setting. Not a historical in the sense that it is modeled after events in history, but the book takes place in the past. I love a good royal court setting in a book, especially a book that has a mystery element to it because I feel like politics and high society and people trying to climb the court ranks all lend themselves really well to deception, betrayal and mind games galore. I adored Sigil in Shadow. I think this is a book that deserves to be put out in the spotlight of the young adult world. I have not heard too much hype surrounding this book, and I am shocked! This is a book worth reading, and then some.

Sigil in Shadow follows Ellary, a young girl with an aptitude for healing. Ellary's talent with healing and making potions for healing reminded me of the Maria V. Snyder's Healer series. I think this book would be perfect for fans of the Healer series. Ultimately it is Ellary's healing powers that land her in the castle court, and this is where her real adventure begins. I loved meeting the cast of secondary characters, including the princess Corrin, who actually surprised the heck out of me in a good way. Constance Roberts does an excellent job of creating solid friendships among the characters, which I really appreciated. There are enough bad guys running around that you don't need friends to also be a bad guy. My only complaint is with the romance in the book. It felt lacking in some way. I wanted to see more development between the couple. I felt like they started out great and then just kind of stagnated. However, there is so much else going on in the story that the romance felt secondary to me.

I'm not sure if there is a planned sequel to Sigil in Shadow or not, but I really hope there is. This is such a fantastically developed world that it would be a shame to not visit it again. Not to mention there are so many characters that I want to read more about. Please Constance, please write another book! I really loved Sigil in Shadow. It has wonderful fantasy elements, a fantastically detailed world, great characters, and a twisty-turny adventure. Bottom line: Sigil in Shadow is a really great book.

This review was originally posted on Book Briefs