A review by yawningyogii
The Fault in Our Stars by John Green


I will say I honestly did not have a lot of hope I would enjoy this book but have had it as a must read on my list for some time. Being someone who is chronically ill, and has watched people whom are close to me suffer with cancer, most books on the subject don't even touch how these things really feel, instead they give illness this glossy glorified sheen. This book got into the nitty gritty of what it actually feels to be in those shoes and what it feels like to be told stupid things like 'without pain we wouldn't know joy' etc. This book was so beautiful and full of life for two corpses if you will. I enjoyed it was a concise and easy read but with so much punch behind the pages. There are so many things that Hazel said that really hit home for me and it was nice to sink into something familiar, to read these same feelings coming from another person's hand. The scene where she speaks of not crying for others sake rather than your own I have felt over and over again, the stabbing feeling of upsetting your parents so you hold it in for thier sake. These are ideas that I feel so many people house but don't express that are chronically ill even if its bot terminal. We think that by protecting others from our pain we protect ourselves.