A review by ashleynoelle
Just One Look by Lindsay Cameron


First off, thank you to NetGalley and Random House for an Advanced E-Copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions remain my own and are not influenced by this.

It has been a really really long time since I have read a thriller that successfully caught me off guard. Lindsay Cameron was able to actually shock me with a plot twist that I did not see coming and after having read about a million mystery/thriller novels in my lifetime, I didn't think that was still possible.

I went into this thinking I was going to get the female version of Joe Goldberg, and while I can see where there are some DEFINITE similarities between Cassie and Joe, this was definitely still it's own story and did not feel like it was just that. Cassie has her own issues, mostly stemming from abandonment and she is definitely a bit on the crazy side, but I sure did feel for her in the end. I might have even managed to get some secondhand anxiety while reading this.

Overall, this thriller surprised me! I enjoyed it a bit more than I expected to.