A review by mbenzz
The Odd Sisters: A Villains Novel by Serena Valentino


3.5 Stars...

I want to begin by saying the illustrations added to this book were awesome. I LOVED having the visuals at the beginning of each chapter.

That being said, the story was just ok. I've never minded the Odd Sisters. I thought they added an interesting and mysterious aspect to each story since they are completely a creation of the author and not part of the Disney Villians that we already know about. Because of this, there were so many cool things the author could do with them.

I do think at times they overtook certain stories (Ursula's and the Beast come to mind), but I enjoy the level of crazy and unknown they add to each story.

This book is their origin story, and I think it was done well. The reason I'm giving it 3.5 stars is that a LOT is going on here, and I found myself losing focus and forgetting where I left off when I picked the book back up.

Also, the ending is an absolute incomplete cliffhanger. More so than any of the other books. The story just...stops. Right in the middle of some serious action. I did not care for that.

Overall though, I enjoyed this installment. I can't say I'm super excited about Cruella's book (Book 7) as I have never been a '101 Dalmations' fan, but I'll, of course, read it to see what becomes of the Odd Sisters, Circe, Snow and the rest of the gang. Only one month left to wait!