A review by shandra
Strum: Virgin Captive of the Billionaire Demon Rock Star Monster by Cari Silverwood


My spleen ALSO fainted.

Dear. God.

Cari Silverwood is going to get me arrested, lobotomized -They're coming to take me away, ha ha! They're coming to take me away, hee hee!-, or lynch-mobbed for general acts of reading-induced hysteria.

Seriously. I will read this series forever. I was laughing at the beginning with the amnesia (convenient-much?) and I was completely insensible by the time I got to the Purgatory concert complete with dino-porn jokes. EVERYONE should laugh at dino-porn. It's worth laughing at even if one is never brave/insane/somethingelseentirely enough to read it for oneself.

Karl Whatshisname really should have looked out for that Necrosexi-texmexicon since, c'mon, that just SOUNDS evil, right? Plus? Without Ash Williams around to defeat it (or Asmodeus, since we all know he could totes handle it), he's just asking to be thrown tentacles-first into the Zon. Duh.

I swear, if you think you're on acid reading this review? I'm stone-cold sober, feel as if I'm tripping monkey balls, and want to read it again because it was that awesome of a trip.

Five stars have never been so easy to give! Way to go, Virginia Chaste! You're my favorite female protagonist ever since I completely envy your mental prowess with sizing up the competition! I swear, if I were to ever go to the Zon? I'd totally need to take you with me because it sounds exactly like the Weird Part of Amazon I somehow manage to find myself in after spending too much time on Tumblr.