A review by welshreader
Stargate Universe Vol. 1: Back to Destiny by Clint Hilinski, Eliseu Gouveia, Giancarlo Caracuzzo, J.C. Vaughn, Mark Haynes, Chris Scalf


Disappointing to say the least.

I'm not particularly attached to Stargate Universe as its my least favourite entry in the franchise. That being said, I did expect more from this.

Multiple aspects of the plot MAJORLY contradict what's in the Stargate canon. This would be fine as a bit of fanfiction, but as a properly licensed endeavour I would have expected this to be more thoroughly fact-checked before.

The artwork ranges from stunning to hilariously bad, I'm sad to say. Some of the faces had me rolling with laughter when they really weren't supposed to.

The story was not good. It's kind of like the writers had "cool" ideas in mind but failed to check whether or not they'd work within the constraints of the established lore. The show left off on a pretty melancholy/dire note with the faintest bit of hope. This volume just handed the characters everything they could possibly need to get out of that bad situation, as well as just having a string of nifty implausible conveniences because the plot needed to keep moving.

Also, I will be FOREVER MAD that these comics got rid of Eli's fatness, even if it "makes sense". Can we just let fat characters thrive, please? I realise that the actor has lost weight but it doesn't mean that the character needed to.

The only thing stopping me from giving this 1 Star is that there were some genuinely interesting ideas, but they were so few and far between they couldn't save this Volume in the slightest.