A review by elleyotter
The Escape Room by Megan Goldin


Rating: 3 to 3.5 stars
Would have rated higher but there are some really problematic elements, not least of which are some of the terminology and descriptive choices used, which maybe Australia has different rules for? Or maybe 2019 is longer ago than I think it is and what's considered acceptable has changed drastically in the last 5 years? Idk.

Fatphobia abounds; so much misogony; sexual assault; gaslighting; all sorts of awful remarks about a character on the Autism spectrum; Asperger's is no longer a diagnosis; mentions of OCD for a character on the AS who likes order (which is a personal pet peeve of mine at this point); although Gypsy is sometimes used as a neutral or positive self-descriptor, it is recommended that those for whom it is not a self-descriptor use Roma or Romani/Romany instead, so let's just not please; drugs; murder; suicide; cheating.