A review by stitchinthyme
Talking to the Dead by Harry Bingham


I spent a good portion of this book wanting to strangle Fiona. I know that her actions were largely due to mental illness -- even though it wasn't really explained until the end, it was fairly obvious pretty early on -- but she does so many things that range from annoying to illegal to downright creepy that it was hard to have much sympathy for her. I was actually hoping she'd end up at least getting fired, because she was so far off the rails in terms of what it's legal for a cop to do that she really should have been arrested.

I'm really not sure I want to go on with the series at this point. I mean, I was interested enough to finish, at least, and there's a new mystery revealed at the end that I'm curious about, but I spent so much of the book wanting to scream at the protagonist that I'm not sure continuing would be good for my blood pressure.