A review by bookwyrm76
The Woman in the Library by Sulari Gentill

So I THOUGHT I knew what meta fiction was....

Seriously this book was awesome and managed to tell two stories at once which were both engaging and had a good deal of tension. The book begins with the main character sitting in the Boston Public Library with writers block. She's sharing the table with three other people and begins to womder who they are and what thier story is. Then they hear a scream! They start talking and go to have coffee.

The chapter ends, and you find out that it's a book in a book as you read a letter from Leo giving feedback to the author and chatting.

Each chapter you learn a bit more of the story and you see/hear a bit more of Leo. Who screamed? Is Leo who/what he seems? those questions will keep you reading this awesome work of meta fiction that totally changed my view of something I thought of a gimmicky and saw mostly in picture books or comics.