A review by megexpress
Omens by Kelley Armstrong


Oh, Lord. How I have missed reading Kelley Armstrong books. Omens has been sitting on my bookshelf since January, taunting me in all its glory. I finally found the time to read it and it was glorious. Ah, reading Armstrong’s writing is like talking with an old friend. Once you find that person, it feels like coming home when you reunite. The premise of Omens was promising. What would you do if you found out you were adopted and it just so happens that your birth parents are notorious serial killers? Armstrong crafted a story taking place in a town shrouded in mystery with danger lurking in every corner. If you’re thinking that this book is all paranormal, I would have to warn you that it is not. It is more of a detective ‘whodunnit’ novel, with a sprinkle of the paranormal. I am completely okay with this. I’m also a sucker for hints of blossoming romances and murder mysteries. Before the story begins, there is a note concerning the omens/phrases scattered throughout the novel. It is left up to the reader to decide whether to research these on their own, or follow along Olivia/Eden on her journey. I chose to buckle myself in and let the novel do the talking. Armstrong caught me hook, line, and sinker with the Cainsville series. I’m eagerly awaiting the sequel, Visions, and will be one of the first to Kermit arm flail to a bookstore the day of its release.