A review by rzarate9696
It Came from the Closet: Queer Reflections on Horror by Joe Vallese

emotional funny hopeful informative inspiring reflective fast-paced


This one was very impactful for me. There are reflections here that completely obliterated me and put me back together in terms of understanding myself and understanding others. Horror films present quite a helpful and engaging framing device for navigating queerness in a world typically fooled into thinking there was ever a real "normality" to fully deviate from. There are references to films, writers, thinkers, articles, and books galore and I'm excited to go back and reference them for further detailed analyses of their respective subjects. This book is full of beautiful, haunting, grotesque, horny, bloody, traumatic, and joyous memories that I'm still thinking about now, and it does a damn good job of making you see movies in such interesting and new ways. I love this book. It's my favorite book of the year, no competition.