A review by darksoulbooklover_
Execution by Lucia Franco


Like the first book, 'Balance,' I had a tough time putting this book down. You can feel the pull between Ria and Kova; they want what they can't have, especially Kova, who in a committed relationship. Something happens that ruins Ria and changes her into a different person. I say something, but multiple things all at once get piled on her, and I don't know how this strong woman is standing up and taking the beating she is and still putting gymnastics first. Her love for gymnastics is admiring and her going for her goals is EVERYTHING. Even though she's made some very questionable decisions, I think she is an amazing woman who is just trying to find her way. She loves this man who is in a relationship and way too old for her, but they have this unbreakable connection because they know what each person needs. They bond by an invisible string that won't like them to break away from each other. You can feel the need and the frustration Ria has for Kova even though he continually hurts her. I wanted to punch Kova in this book. It was heartbreaking. Also, far waring the ending is the intense cliff hanger. EVER you will want to want to jump into the next book immediately. I couldn't stop. I just went right into the next book without a break because I NEEDED to know what was going on. SO GOOD! The love scenes are so good, and I think so far this is my favorite book out of the series!