A review by booksandlemonsquash
Destination Anywhere by Sara Barnard


I received this book from the publisher via Net Galley in exchange for an honest review.

I found Peyton quite a hard main character, but it’s hard not to empathise with her as the book progresses. While I don’t necessarily agree that dropping everything to fly to Canada is the best solution, I do see her logic.

I loved everything about the roadtrip, and the fact she visits places I have been made me both nostalgic and bitten by the travel bug! The friendships she eventually makes there are so lovely, and it’s really nice to see Peyton learn to open up.

The parts of the story set while she is at school are much harder - not just because of the epic bullying and loneliness and poor decisions, but because they really are soaked in misery and you feel it as you read. I liked these less, but they are buoyed by the sense of hope in the Canadian sections. They do however have the unfortunate side effect of making Peyton less likeable.

Overall the emotions and sense of hope and healing swing this through for me, just beware if you read it - have tissues!