A review by troystory
Someday, Someday, Maybe by Lauren Graham


Wow. This is a book that feels cozy and warm, like your best friend is telling you a story or you're rewatching your favourite movie on a cold day. It's just... Incredible. Usually I don't like first person because the protagonists can come off as super unrealistic and not relatable, but Franny was the opposite! I felt a deep connection to her - she was real, and she seemed like the kind of person you could just run into on the street. I honestly felt like I was reading a biography because of how real and tangible she felt.

I love, love, love this story. I absolutely adore it. It's got some amazing messages and it's so positive. It was exactly what I needed now, as I struggle with my own doubts about my dreams. It's a good pick-me-up.

My favourite thing about it was the world Lauren Graham created. Whenever I read the book, I was instantly transported into the world the characters live in. I could see it so clearly, and I appreciate that in books.

Overall, I highly recommend it. It's a casual and fun read, so it doesn't demand too much of your energy, but it leaves you feeling warm and soft in the best possible way.