A review by jsncnrd
Something Like Summer by Jay Bell


This was not at ALL what I was expecting, and I was pleasantly surprised in so many ways. I'm so very happy that I came across this book.

This was an epic story spanning more than a decade & covering a great deal of turning points, growth, and story arcs. Taking this journey alongside Ben as he experienced the thrill of first love (first QUEER love, even better), the ensuing heartbreak and shame, the discovery of a soulmate, unthinkable tragedy, and ultimately hope, was an emotional experience that left me touched and moved. I did not expect this book to get as deep as it did.

I loved all three main characters.

Ben -- A protagonist who I was rooting for (most of the time). Being inside his head and understanding the thought processes behind all his choices was excellent. He showed a lot of development and watching him mature emotionally was so great. The level of trauma he went through and the amount of resilience he showed made him such a lovely character.

Tim -- While he was a complete fucking asshole for the better portion of the book and did some truly manipulative things, I understood that we were supposed to see what it was like for a closeted boy in the 1990's and the "what-if's" that haunted him as a result of having to hide his identity.

Jace -- JACE. WHAT A MAN. I mean seriously. One of the most charming, empathetic, wholesome, kind-hearted men in the queer books I have read this year. I think I may be president of his fan club. With that being said, the ending ripped me limb from limb and left a hollow spot in my heart. Seeing such a lovely soul go through what he went through broke me. And I think because he was so well written & lovable, that's what made the ending the most difficult for me.

The characters were realistic, there was a well-balanced mix of serious moments, humor, drama / theatrics, and romance. The story was meaningful. I was engrossed. I wish I could read this for the first time again.

After I read the book, I read the graphic novel (Vol. 1 and eventually Vol. 2) and absolutely loved it, despite having some flaws. I also watched the movie, which was done so well. It remained true to the book and matched the overall emotional essence of it.

When I saw that the next 2 books in the series (Something Like Autumn & Something Like Winter) were about the same characters -- and one of them being all about Jace -- I got so excited, and will absolutely be reading them.

Seriously cannot express how much I loved this book.

I read this book when I was healing from surgery to treat cancer. Those were some of the most challenging days of my life. Something Like Summer brought love, light, and smiles to those days of recovery. For that reason, it was even more special to me and will go down as one of my favorite queer novels I've read.