A review by bdlin101
Manhunt by Gretchen Felker-Martin

Did not finish book. Stopped at 11%.
I could tell almost immediately that this book and I weren’t going to get along, but a friend suggested it, so I pushed passed chapter two.

The MC, Fran, is insufferable, acting like a damn teenager in the face of her enemy, treating her “best friend” like shit, and allowing herself to think far, far too highly of herself. The fact that the author thought it was a good idea to compare real life transphobia with cis women (and trans men) fearing all people with testosterone in a world where testosterone having people have a disease that makes them brutally rape and rip apart and kill those with vaginas. Those are not the same kinds of fears. So I’m not sure this book hits the way she wants it to. 

The rest of the book is just trauma porn for queer folks and women alike. Graphic depictions of rape and killings. Forcing trans women to dress and fuck like straight men. Trans men having to go off testosterone in order to survive and not get the disease. And TERFs. 

Finally, the writing style. Terrible. It read like fanfic they wrote as a huge Harry Potter fan after finding out JK Rowling is transphobic, and she wanted to find a creative way to kill her off. It’s pretty bold, and tasteless, to name a real person and burn them alive in your book, but my dude, Gretchen, did.

TL;DR: Unless you enjoy poorly written, traumatic, and downright problematic zombie with plenty of sexual assault thrown in just cuz, I suggest skipping Manhunt. 

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