A review by beckymmoe
Her Outback Surprise by Annie Seaton


Her Outback Surprise is a sweet, second-chance romance set in--you guessed, it--the Australian Outback. It's second in its series, but if you haven't read the first book yet ([b:Her Outback Cowboy|35060375|Her Outback Cowboy|Annie Seaton|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1495189443s/35060375.jpg|56352878]) no worries; the bits you absolutely need to know about it are explained here too (why Liam and his cousins come back to the family farm, and what their plans for the future are, more or less) though the fact that this is the second book does make for a somewhat awkward start to this one with a bit of jumping around time-wise.

Overall I liked Angie and Liam, and it wasn't hard to root for them to (finally!) be together in the end. The flashback bits felt a bit superfluous, though (especially since their important bits were usually recapped through a character's thoughts and/or conversation a minute or two after) and this was definitely an example of a story whose main conflict could have been resolved with one decent conversation between the MCs, which was definitely frustrating. Liam especially was guilty of being exceptionally dense for about 90% of the book, and Angie tended toward the wishy-washy side of the spectrum more often than I would have liked--still, this was a pleasant way to spend a cozy fall afternoon reading.

Plus, there was a cute puppy and a newborn baby in the mix, so--win-win! :)

Rating: 3 1/2 stars / C+

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.