A review by kristinafh
At the Corner of Rock Bottom & Nowhere by L.A. Witt


Preamble: I'm a big fan of L.A. Witt's and although I've read almost all of her ebooks, I still like having the opportunity to fall in love with her characters/story via the audio version. For this particular book, I didn't read it via my kindle first and when it showed up on the list of eligible titles for the Audible Romance Package, I squealed in delight.

Plot: I'm not going to rehash the info provided - here's my add on. This is a book about two lost souls. One is a Blackjack dealer and Stripper (Adrian) and the other is someone who used to have it all, hit rock bottom, and took to the streets as a beggar (Max). It was serendipity. And there is where the magic began for these two fellows.

There was a lot to like about this book, especially if you're like me and you believe that everything happens for a reason. Adrian was a character that I started out LOVING, but over the course of the book, I became somewhat disenchanted by his OCD ways (that's my own diagnoses - not anything that is pointed out in the storyline). Max - well - I loved him all the way through.

Sean Crisden is an excellent narrator (I own at least a dozen books narrated by him) and he did a fine job with both of these characters.

Is this worth a buy? Mmmmm....I'd say it's worth listening to via Audible's Romance Package.