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A review by itsbibliotherapy
Please Unsubscribe, Thanks!: How to Take Back Our Time, Attention, and Purpose in a World Designed to Bury Us in Bullshit by Julio Vincent Gambuto


I was initially very drawn into the concept of this book—I agree with the author that we are oversubscribed to people and products. It even prompted me to go through my inbox and hit “unsubscribe” on all those pesky marketing emails that pile up in my promotions inbox. The message that our time is valuable and we often give it away too freely definitely resonated with me. 

I struggled with two components of this book, though. In the first half, I didn’t feel like I learned anything especially new. And in the second half, I felt like many of the recommendations lacked nuance—which yes, I recognize was in fact the point…but the author’s perspective struck me as anti-technology, which seems a little unrealistic in today’s world. Still, a thought provoking read!