A review by booklovingmom_
Knit of the Living Dead by Peggy Ehrhart


I received an ARC copy of Knit of the Living Dead through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Knit of the Living Dead is the sixth installation of the Knit & Nibble mystery series. In this cozy knitting mystery, Pamela Paterson, along with fellow Knit & Nibblers, Bettina and Nell, goes about solving the murders that stem from the town Halloween party.

I have read the Knit & Nibble series since the beginning and have loved every book so far, this one was no different. There is so much I loved about this mystery, the characters, the town, the Knit & Nibble get togethers and especially the fall setting. Knit of the Living Dead is a great cozy mystery that is very well written and drew me in from the very first page. The biggest thing that makes me love this series is the main character, Pamela Paterson herself, I would love to be her when I grow up! If you are looking for a cozy mystery that will get you in the mood for fall, this book is for you.

I definitely recommend reading Knit of the Living Dead and the whole Knit & Nibble series if you haven’t given it a try yet!