A review by booksnorkel
The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven by Sherman Alexie


Just so you don't think that I exclusively read kids and teen books, here is proof that I read a little bit of everything :)

I, for some reason, thought that this book was like a Native American version of American Gods. I really wanted to read that book. Instead what I got was a series of semi autobiographical short stories. Some really abstract, or surreal, some crushingly realistic. I have read his Absolutely True.. book and that book just crushed me to pieces, and I found parts of this book in that one. But when you are expecting a novel, and you are actually reading short stories you can imagine my surprise with the first three chapters.

This really isn't my thing, I could see reading this for a college class, or reading certain stories and discussing them and having to write responses to them for a class. I can see all that, I can't see picking this up for fun. Perhaps that is just me, I am friends with many people who have English degrees who might love this. But I think that outside an academic setting this book is just a little too abstract, you need a discussion and you need a prompt or three to help you get everything you can out of this book.

I did enjoy it, but I know that the way it was written it needs to be discussed and dissected, and since I didn't have anything like that for this book it only gets three stars.