A review by isabelthearcher
Bis(s) zur Mittagsstunde by Stephenie Meyer


This was good at the very beginning and at the very end because I do love the Cullen family ad Edward and Bella's relationship so much.

The whole depression period and the months passing felt so out of character for me. Even if you have 'fallen' in love, it probably wouldn't be that heart wrenching to the point she doesn't eat or be that social, loses her friends and families. It felt very staged and not real, also because she has so many real and scary dreams it all felt weird and dreamy.

I quite liked the Jacob relationship when it was good but something that made this book a 4 star was that so everything went SO quickly. The whole introduction with the werewolf gang, mad little to no sense and Jacob went from being innocent, to all weird within a few pages. Of course that was the intention but to make it drag out for longer would make more sense in the reader's view. As soon as there was some misunderstanding with Edward and Alice came around Jacob went out of Bella's life, and there was hardly any conversation from that point. And as soon as Bella saves Edward they're living off the impression that they're still in love. And Edward makes this whole ploy that he never stopped loving her and Bella snaps it up. After what he did surely Bella has enough sense to realise maybe this could be shady and he's two faced.

Overall it was good, but the actual action parts happened way too quickly.