A review by versmonesprit
Bluets by Maggie Nelson



Have you ever wondered what must go through the mind of the most boring, uninteresting person you know? Wonder no more, the answer lies in this book, and it’s “the most unoriginal, dullest, blandest waste of time.” If you feel like reading the worst essay ever produced, sure, go ahead. If you are expecting the lies of the premise (especially anything poetic) run far away, I have taken one for the team so you do not have to torment your brain by feeding it this utter stupidity.

Think whatever you will of Christianity, but no one can deny that its mythology and history are one hell of a ride. You would think, no one can make Christian references boring. You would be wrong. Maggie Nelson can.

I think she knows this deep down, because she quotes from infinitely better (I know mathematically you can’t multiply with 0 and achieve anything other than 0, but give me a little leeway here) writers an insane amount of times. The book is not only all the horrible things I have already listed, it’s also extremely lazy.

I feel immense grief for all the poor trees that had to die for its print version. Maggie Nelson should be required by law to single-handedly plant a forest to make up for the damage.

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