A review by rhodaj
A Disobedient Girl by Ru Freeman


I really enjoyed this book, based around the two female main characters which the chapters were named after - Latha & Biso. These two women and the other main female character Thara, certainly made some very bad choices in life!

The book was set in Sri Lanka and was very well written and descriptive. It was interesting to get a perspective of customs, foods and beliefs in Sri Lanka. At first I found the children's names quite confusing and wasn't sure who was who, but got used to it the further I got into the book.

The story was quite sad really and I felt really frustrated for Latha in particular as she just seemed to struggle so much with being a servant and not being treated as an equal, although when you find out her history it all makes sense. Having said that though, all 3 female characters make quite frustrating decisions!

This is quite a powerful story, but if you're into heartwarming tales with happy endings then this book isn't for you!