A review by jaimereadsromance
Chasing River by K.A. Tucker


I can't lie. Every time I head into another K.A. Tucker book I worry that this will be the one. This might be the book that I don't like; Because she can't possibly keep writing amazing book after amazing book, right? Well, if that's the case, this is NOT that book. In fact, this might be my favorite K.A. book to date!!

I loved the fact that this was set in Ireland. When I read that this book was going to deal with the IRA, who admittedly I don't know a lot about, but still know it can be a tough subject to tackle, I was a bit nervous. I have to say that it was really what made this story such a stand-out and I think I learned a lot about the history of Ireland because of it. If nothing else it's piqued my interest in learning more.

I'm so in love with River and I would absolutely give chase to him in real life! He was fiercely loyal, honest when it was most important and when he spoke of his Irish heritage I got goosebumps. The way he protected his brother, is ma and da and Amber, and even the way he tried to protect Aengus, truly showed what a great guy he was. The hot accent didn't hurt.

Amber is the type of girl I wish that I could be. She followed her dreams of traveling and experiencing the world, and she did it completely alone. I wish I could be that brave. She was forgiving when she had every right not to be, but she was apologetic for things she had done to Ivy in high school. She's just an all around good person. Forced to try to choose between doing the right thing, as she's always been taught, and what feels right for her, she knows nothing about her life will ever be the same.

The secondary characters in the story were so well placed at the perfect moments with just enough to keep the story flowing and familiar but not so much that their presence felt forced. Ivy was just the friend Amber needed in Ireland and watching her and Amber bury the hatchet was hopeful. Sheriff Gabe's reprisal was sweet and special because he's such a great dad, navigating the gray areas of life with a precision like nobody else. Even Detective Duffy played a vital role in their story.

With no unnecessary drama, no declarations of love being thrown around and no misunderstandings keeping River and Amber apart, this book held up on the pure magic of brilliant storytelling alone. I see myself re-reading this book often.

*I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review