A review by ifearnofish
The Children's Hospital by Chris Adrian


When I picked this up at a sleepy seaside town for £2, I really didn't know what I was getting into. I had a poke through the reviews and found a real divide on this book; you're either completely in love with it or can't stand it. There isn't really any middle ground. As I got into it, I couldn't tell what party I'd end up being in.

Just finished it. Now I know. This book is astounding.

Never has a book hit on all of my worst fears and realised them in such an original and momentous style. There were parts of it that absolutely took my breath away, some that made me cry, and some that made me laugh. Douglas Adams/HHGTTG humour comes in at surprising moments and twists some moments so fast that it left me gasping, without ever losing its enormous quality.

And though it really did hit on my worst fears, there was not a point where I ever wanted to stop reading. This book had a knife in my belly the whole way through while it grinned at me, and even that couldn't stop me from trying to soak everything it had to say in.

Its wonderful. Its mad. Its brilliant. Please read this book.