A review by falulatonks
Luck of the Draw by Kate Clayborn


2022 reread: Still 4.5 stars, and I was thinking as I finished that I wanted to say both leads' characters are so moving without being OTT or played for drama, and wouldn't you know it, 2018!me totally agrees and said it better. One thing I didn't mention last time is how much I like the way they make each other laugh? And how much Aiden loves Zoe's sharpness and briskness, which I thought was REALLY cute. And another thing is I think Clayborn does a really good job of building a set-up for them - it's SUCH a difficult thing for them to work past, but at the same time Zoe's not.... to blame, per se? It's complex, and I liked the way she broached it.


4.5 stars - I liked this so much. Clayborn's writing is a little rough to get into to start, but either it grew on me or it really suits this story - probably both. I thought Zoe and Aiden were both incredibly likeable and incredibly sympathetic without either of them ever even approaching melodrama, which is a real feat, imo. I felt for them in exactly the right ways, and rooted for both of them to get unstuck exactly as they did. And I'm super impressed by how much I dug them together - they seem so unlike each other and have such a point of conflict at the beginning that it should've been hard to sell them, but I could almost immediately see the ways in which they fit and the good they brought out in each other.

They also feel like such internal characters, with more happening inside of them than spoken out loud, and that, too, is hard to make work in romances, I think. Clayborn does it. That's my kind of romance, and my kind of people, so I appreciated this a lot.

I just liked this so much! Can't wait to read Book 3.