The way ‘Almost Him’ ended had me thankful I had this ebook up and ready to go. Like WTF? Seriously? How is that even possible? Most of the time I like one of the books more than the other in a duet. When it comes to this duet I loved them both!! I’m also wondering how do I write a review on my feelings without spoiling the first one. I’m just going to type all the spoilers for future Sabrina and for anyone who didn’t want to continue but wanted to know what happens. You’re welcome!
This book picks up right after book 1 ends. Oliver is fighting for his life and Ella is right there by his side. So you see them start to bond and inevitably fall for each other. The reason I say that is because Oliver has no clue who he is or anyone for that matter and he doesn’t remember a damn thing. Ella is trying to get him to remember but ends up just letting him live and hopefully remember things on his own. He does things that remind her of Alden but that’s not weird considering they are identical twins. They even have sex and she calls out “Alden” which was awkward. Oliver shows up at her house and said that he was driving around trying to remember things. He knows he might go to prison for murder so he’s trying so hard to remember anything. It worked and he did. They went to where the shooting happened and he remembered Oliver getting shot and yelling his name. So when the cops asked what his name was he was crying “Oliver… Oliver” for his brother not saying that his name is Oliver. A good portion of this book is spent trying to prove it. I’m huge true crime junkie so this was very interesting to me. Ella remembers that Alden was bitten by a bat and had a line of rabies shots that Oliver wouldn’t have had. So they start trying to prove that. They end up having his blood work expedited and days later it comes back that he is in fact Alden! If you look back at my book 1 review I predicted it until the book told me otherwise. I didn’t realize this was a Thriller 🤣🤣 Tori had told Ella she was crazy when she had said that Oliver was actually Alden. So when it all came out Tori had some major ass kissing to do. One thing I really loved about this duet is that people forgive each other so easily. It was actually very heartwarming. They went and found out that they are having a baby girl. Tori told them that she is expecting twin boys the same month that Ella and Alden are expecting their daughter. I got to 81% and things were too good and I was worried something was going to happen. It’s been a year since the shooting and Alden has his social security card back and all his bank accounts are up and running again. Alden asked Ella if she still wants to marry him which is dumb because DUHHHHH!! Unfortunately she couldn’t go through with a wedding because it reminded her of that day. They ended up going to the courthouse instead. Tori and Paul buy and move into Oliver and Alden’s childhood home. THEN at 90% a bomb shell gets dropped. I had a feeling this was going to happen but while cleaning Ella finds some paperwork. Apparently when Oliver was in Costa Rica he got bit by an animal and needed rabies shots 😱 Ella ends up burning the paper and not telling a soul. Then it jumps 13 years later. They named their daughter Emily and she’s about to turn 13. They continued on with the family bonfires. Milo is considered Grandpa Milo which is super cute. They also have a son named Alden Jr. Tori’s boys are named Eli and Finn and they are like night and day of Oliver and Alden. At one point A.j runs in and says “Eli hit Finn in the eye because he kissed Emily” hahahaha and so it begins. Of course Alden is upset and Ella reminds him that she was a few months younger than Emily is when he started climbing through her bedroom window. Alden responded by saying “I’m nailing her window shut” 🤣🤣
I LOVED this duet so much!! I feel like whatever I pick up next won’t even compare.