A review by akookieforyou
Borrow My Heart by Kasie West


Girlish Heart Book Club - Jan 2024

"Good, so much gooder. Better. I’m better. Than last time, I mean. Last time was…it was whatever.”
“I’m glad you’re gooder,” he said with a smirk.
I nudged his shoulder with mine. “How are you?”
“The goodest."

Kasie West really can't fail when it comes to romcoms, after reading all 16 of her releases (as of this review), she really is cemented as a true favorite in my heart.

I really appreciate that she tends to tackle issues and worries that a lot of teens experience; her novels never feel shallow to me. In this one alone we get, abandonment, self isolation, catfishing, lying, betrayal etc.

So I know some people were probably deterred by the synopsis, and how it mentions catfishing, but honestly that plot point, and the way it was handled and resolved didn't bother me. It added a fun element to the story, and it made for moments that kept me on my toes.

The romance was overall very cute. I found Wren to be extremely relatable, I too am overly sarcastic, and slow to trust people haha. Asher was so sweet, he very much embodies the term "golden retriever energy", with how open and warm he is, especially towards Wren.

But, I did have some issues.
Spoiler mostly just about the plot twist, and how it didn't click fully with what we knew of Asher. I did like how he tried his best to make up for it, and that he wasn't staring at TikTok all day, just waiting for the views to come in though.

Besides that, this was a very sweet and adorable romcom, and surprisingly it actually hit hard for me, and even made me cry a bit. Plus there was a cute and grumpy dog called Bean, so how could I not enjoy that? Hahaha