A review by pastelwriter
Night Shine by Tessa Gratton


Let me type a review for this book before I take too long, and then have absolutely no coherent thoughts left in my head.

I’m going to go simple here. I really really loved this book. It was MAGICAL.

I was essentially living vicariously through Nothing throughout this book. I felt everything she felt. When she was feral and happy, I felt the same. When she was angry and sad, I felt the same. Ugh. Truly, so good.

All of Nothing’s relationships with other characters were soooo goooood! Her and Sky? Perfection. Her and the sorceress? Perfection. Her and Kirin? Perfection.

Speaking of my prince who is also a maiden. When I tell you I had to fight the urge to fight him like 5 times in this book. I loved him, but I also hated him. What a jealous and petty and arrogant thing. Good lord. Why do I love him so? I love him so much even though he tested my patience time and time again.

I don’t even know what else to say about this book...

I think I can confidently say this is the easiest book to read by Tessa Gratton (at least of the ones I’ve read—which have been 4 including this one). I found this book well-paced and written prettily enough to still make me swoon but leaning more towards comprehensible purple prose than incomprehensible. The characters were all sufficiently developed, and I liked the progression of the novel.

I think my one complaint, and the main reason this got 4 stars instead of 5, is that the ending of this novel left a lot to be desired. I wanted more and more and more. I guess I’ve grown greedy with Tessa Gratton. I’m too used to her long books. Nevertheless, despite wanting this to be longer, I loved it so so much!